Både praktiska och snygga flaskor😍
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My grandson loves these bottles!
I bought these for my grandson who is 2 months old. He got one small on for a baby shower gift and it just happened to be his favorite brand of bottle. He latched on to these well along with being breast fed .
Bought 4 of these and some small flow tips and my son loves them. He has no issues with these and really makes it easy on his stomach! Glad I found these and gave them a shot! They are worth it!!
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Både praktiska och snygga flaskor😍
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My grandson loves these bottles!
I bought these for my grandson who is 2 months old. He got one small on for a baby shower gift and it just happened to be his favorite brand of bottle. He latched on to these well along with being breast fed .
Bought 4 of these and some small flow tips and my son loves them. He has no issues with these and really makes it easy on his stomach! Glad I found these and gave them a shot! They are worth it!!
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